Lead to Soar works with organizations in the U.S. & Australia
Women's Leadership Development Programs
Becoming an Inclusive Leader - Programs for Senior to Executive Level Leaders
Diversity | Equity | Inclusion Strategy & Planning Advisory
Work with us.
Michelle and Mel know how to move organizations from conversation to action. Particularly when it comes to creating and sustaining diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces that work, for women.
Working with Michelle & Mel:
Michelle is a globally recognized diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consultant. She advises organizations in the business and sporting sectors on DEI strategy development and implementation and works directly with women leaders to advance their careers.
Mel is a speaker, creator and consultant with over 15 years of professional experience. As part of Lead to Soar, she teaches courses that focus on equipping women with what they most need to advance and earn leadership positions, namely — business, strategic, and financial acumen.
We know an organization's DEI strategy and implementation plan requires time, effort, investment and buy-in from many stakeholders, especially at the highest levels. So engaging with the leaders and custodians of the firm, with interactive, thought-provoking, energetic sessions designed to unlock the potential of collective wisdom, is an area of strength for us.
In parallel, we also help team members to deploy the ‘one percenters’. Small, incremental, defensive, tactical actions that can be highly valued and contribute to the longer-term outcome.
We know clients want high-impact activity that has the ability to engage stakeholders from all levels of the organization. Working with Lead to Soar will:
Demonstrate the strategic and business benefits of an inclusive culture.
Create psychologically safe environments for team members to learn more about workplace DEI.
Create "aha" moments about the business risks of ignoring DEI.
Enable cross-functional teams and departments to collaborate and work in alignment on solving DEI challenges.
Identify ways to attract more people from target markets to the organization.
Enable women in the talent pipeline to develop and demonstrate critical business and leadership skills.
Enable people leaders to develop and demonstrate 21st century inclusive leadership skills.